Vulnerability should not define who you are and where you go!

Nairobi, Kenya 21st August 2014 – 93 students currently supported through through Community Development Fund and YMCA Kibra take part in a mentor-ship program facilitated by Global Peace Youth at the Anglican Inland Church in Kibra. In attendance was Hon. Ken Okoth, Kibra Member Of Parliament, Ms. Wanny Angerer, Moving Cultures, Mr. Kenneth Owade, YMCA Programme Coordinator, Mr.Arthur Wasonga, Director, Global Peace Youth among others.

A true leader is one who invests in others, just like the CDF is investing in you” Said Mr. Ken Okoth, MP Kibra, “As a student you need to remain focused, have a vision, a goal and a purpose in life. Despite the fact that you come from a challenging background, it should not define who you are and where you go. You should learn to embrace the storm and use it to your advantage.” He said.

This program brought together partners from diverse sectors to inspire and mentor the students on character and academic excellence while at the same time encouraging them to be role models to others.

A true leader is one who invests in others, just like the CDF is investing in you” Said Mr. Ken Okoth, the MP Kibra, “As a student you need to remain focused, have a vision, a goal and a purpose in life. Despite the fact that you all come from a challenging background, it should not define who you are and where you go. You should learn to embrace the storm and use it to your advantage.” He said.

Mr. Wasonga gave a presentation on the importance of having a good character that will eventually help improve the attitude of the student thus impacting the thinking, perspective and skills of the individual students.

Education is an equalizer, it teaches one on how to earn a living but good morals and character will take you far because you learn how to live with others despite their differences in age, tribe, religion or even political affiliations,” said Mr. Wasonga.

Presentations from the various speakers inspired the students to dream big and take charge of their individual life. “This has been one interesting and encouraging session to me. It’s an eye opener since I have realized that even as a student I play a major role in shaping my future, my family’s future and the future of my country as well. I definitely have a different and better perspective of how I look at life.” Said one student from Kibra.


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