GPW promotes Leadership in Young Women

For almost an year now, GPW in partnership with Peace Ambassadors Kenya (PAK) has been working with teenage girls from St. Thaddeus Secondary School. A school formed under the umbrella of St. Thaddeus Child Care Society to provide formal education to children from vulnerable families. The school is strategically located in Komarock Estate, a middle income residential flanked by an informal settlement called Kayole. Most of the students here come from Kayole mostly associated with the poor and less fortunate. The warm smile on their faces hides the misery and hostility they go through in their everyday life. Most of them if not all, have been victims of rape and gender based violence as well as other negative traditional practices.

The introduction of the GPW mentorship program in the school was a source of hope and inspiration to over 40 girls. Helping them to understand themselves better and appreciate their unique inborn values in order for them to lead successful lives. GPW Kenya has so far facilitated several monthly forums in the school. The result on the girls is encouraging, most of them can talk freely with a lot of courage, give their own opinion on emerging issues and even seek advise where necessary.

The mentors on the other hand give their full support to girls. Their commitment to the program encourages the girls to actively participate in all our activities.